Financial Highlights

Sompo Key Statistics*
9 months ended September 30, 2023**

Financial Ratings

Net Premiums Written (YTD): $8,404 million
Gross Premiums Written: $12,880 million
Total Assets: $42,179.0 million (as of 12/31/2022)

*On January 1, 2019 Sompo adopted International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”). All financial results from 2019 onwards are shown on an IFRS basis

**Financial results include the retail operations of Sompo Sigorta Anonim Sirketi, Sompo International Holdings Brasil Ltda, Sompo Seguros S.A., Sompo Saude Seguros S.A., Sompo Services Gestao de Riscos e Vistoria Ltda, PT Sompo Insurance Indonesia, Sompo Holdings (Asia) Pte Ltd. (Singapore), Sompo Insurance Singapore Pte. Ltd, Sompo Consulting Korea Inc., PGA Sompo Insurance Corporation (Philippines), Berjaya Sompo Insurance Berhad, Sompo Brokers (Thailand) Company Limited, Sompo Insurance (Hong Kong) Company Limited

A.M. Best: A+ (SUPERIOR)
Standard & Poor’s: A+ (STRONG)
Moody’s: A1

View more financial strength information in our Financial Condition Reports.


About Sompo Holdings Inc., our parent company

  • Sompo Holdings Inc. (Sompo) is currently traded on the Tokyo Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol TSE (8630), has 75,000 employees and operates in more than 46 countries throughout Europe, North America, Central and South America, Asia and Oceania, and the Middle East and Africa
  • Sompo has $108 billion USD in total assets and $28 billion in net premiums and $35 billion in gross premium written