Insurance Industry

Agriculture & Food Production

Sompo’s agribusiness insurance products target the needs of farmers, ranchers, farm suppliers, food processors, and other businesses within the agriculture sector in key markets around the world. With extensive technical expertise and global capabilities, our experienced agribusiness underwriters, risk-control specialists and claim handlers offer in-depth industry knowledge and leading-edge analytics to address the complex and unique risk exposures of our clients.

Our Agriculture & Food Production Offerings

Multi-Peril/Named Peril/Crop Hail

Offering traditional Multi-Peril Crop Insurance (MPCI) protection, as well as a portfolio of named (single) peril coverages and flexible crop hail plans to protect against today’s complex farming exposures.


Offering specialty property protection for farm equipment, barn and other farm/ranch structures on a primary, quota share and excess of loss basis.


Tailored protection from losses for farmers, ranchers and other agribusinesses offered on a primary and excess basis.

Livestock Risk

Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) and Livestock Gross Margin (LGM) coverage offered throughout the year with premium rates, coverage prices, and actual ending values changing daily.



Tailored insurance coverage to protect against significant risk exposures from existing and emerging environmental conditions affecting a wide range of agribusinesses in the U.S.
